Neverwinter Nights Console Commands

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Console Commands

Player-owned stores
World Systems:
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Bank
Riding - Sailing
Communication - Portals
Character Systems:
Disguise - Languages
Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest
Death - Lycanthropy
Arelith Changes:
Classes - Skills - Feats
Spells - Summons - Misc
Rules - Roleplay - Maps
Console Commands
Common Bugs - Staff
  1. Home Forums D&D Games Forums Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Neverwinter Nights (Classic) Sorcerer's Place is a project run entirely by fans and for fans. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a regular basis, so please consider.
  2. Neverwinter Nights Cheat and Console Commands 2011-05-31. Neverwinter Nights. Playing legitimately through a game can be a rewarding experience, but sometimes you've just got to fudge a roll. Learn the more useful commands of the Neverwinter Nights command console with Bright Hub's collection of Neverwinter Nights cheats.
  3. Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheat Codes: - Press during game play to display the console window. Type DebugMode 1 (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window to activate the cheat function.
  4. Can I install mods into Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch? Mods are not supported in the console versions of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition. Can I play player-made modules on console? The Dungeon Master client is not available for the console versions of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition.

Console Commands are commands that can be entered into the text box in game. These are not to be confused with the in-game console, brought up with the ~ key.

Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition – List Of Console Commands By Kakra in Games PC Developer and Publisher Beamdog have released their new latest game Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition. It is a classic fantasy RPG game where players find themselves fighting monsters in the dungeons and dragons world.

  • 5Available Actions

NWN console command

Player Standard NWN console commands can be found on listed on NWN wiki. These command allows for example roll dices or move your character out of wall (-makesafe).

Below are described only commands that are specific for Arelith.

Mith's Virtual Console

On Arelith it is possible to use a unique system of console commands to perform different Actions or use Languages.

To access the list of all available commands, just type '-' into the toolbar and send it in with Enter. The list will display in a poppup screen. Commands in green are usable and red unusable by the character.

Commands that target another player, like -scry, can be sent as a tell to another player. This eliminates the need to type the first part of that character's name. The targeted player won't actually see the tell. The ! command can also be sent as a tell to hostile just one person.

All -commands have the optional parameter ?, which allows player to see detailed information on how to use that particular command. Example: -dispel ? shows player information on how to use -dispel.

The commands may be used with a slash (/) instead of a hyphen (-).

Rest Menu

Attempting to rest will instead prompt a window with several options. The menu features from normal functions (resting) to replacement of some in-game items that are used to access other features of Arelith, like the deities and gods menu, the crafting menu, or the commands below, amongst other.

Available Languages

Main article: Languages

Depending on race, subrace, class and alignment, character can understand and speak various languages. By using the following command in the chat console, they can speak a sentence in a specific language:

-xx The text, you want to speak.

Replace xx with the mnemonic of the language the text should be translated into, e.g. ' -el This is Elven.' A List of all available languages and the according mnemonics you receive by entering '-' (hyphen) in the chat console.

-- . Common
-ab . Abyssal
-an . Animal language
-ce . Celestial
-dr . Draconic
-dw . Dwarven
-el . Elven
-gi . Giant
-gn . Gnome
-go . Goblin
-ha . Halfling
-in . Infernal
-or . Orc language
-si . Sign language
-th . Thieves cant
-un . Undercommon

Available Actions


Use: !

This command sets state to hostile for all characters that are not in your party and within 10 meters (30 feet) radius from you. It can be sent in a tell to target only a single character.


Use: -adventure

With Adventure mode enabled, a character gains only 50% of experience, but an extra 100% of experience goes to the Adventure XP pool. Adventure XP slowly turns into normal experience every IG hour. IE: Killing a 20 experience goblin would only give 10, but 20 to the pool.


Use: -ama

This lists players who have used the -badge command to indicate that they are willing to answer questions in tells.


Use: -Assassinate ['Character Name']

This ability may be better used sending it as a PM to the intended target to Mark them.

-associate / -a / -f


  • -a I'm your generic familiar/animal companion!
  • -f /w And this is your familiar whispering!

Allows a player to speak through their familiar or animal companion without possessing it. It can also be used to speak through a character's projected image (see -project_image), dominated creatures and the shadowdancer's shadow. Companions compatible with -a can also whisper or shout, but they generally cannot speak other languages than Common.


Use: -badge Use: -badge list

This command adds badges to the website. Typing '-badge list' will list players who have badges activated.

Currently there are two that can be added:1. 'ama' (-badge ama)which is short for 'ask me anything.' Giving yourself this badge means players can ask you questions about the server or game in tells. Your name will also show up if players use the -ama command to list players with this badge.2. 'dm' (-badge dm) which will apply a badge on your player card letting DMs know that you require their help. Basically a beacon to let DMs know that you need them.


Use: -balance

May be used once per rest to regulate the balance of an area.


Use: -blind

-dispel cancels effect of this command


Use: -bonus_language




A shortcut for -toggle cloak


Use: -colour_mode [number]

See: Chat Format


Use: -console_mode [number]

See: Chat Format


Alias: -cd

  • -cooldown
    • Displays the active cooldown list for the character
  • -cooldown all
    • Forces a restore for any ability with an expired cooldown.
  • -cooldown foci
    • Forces a restore for Infi cast spells granted by GSF.



  • -date
  • -date -s

Despite the name of the command, -date displays: Date (with IC names), State, Remaining Adventure XP, time until able to take new writ jobs, and Crafting Points refresh rate. Using the -s parameter will offer a shortened version.


Use: delete_character (twice)

Using -delete_character triggers the Epic Sacrifice.



  • -description [New character description]
  • This will erase the previous description entirely.
  • -description + [Next paragraph in the description]
  • -description +np [Next paragraph in the description]
  • -description +nl [New line in the same paragraph]
  • -description +ap [Text in the same line] - remember to leave a space in the end if you are going to keep writing in the same line, or what you append next will not have a space whereyouleftoff.
  • -description +save [File name] OR -savedesc [File Name]
  • This will allow you to save your current description under the name of your choosing, and then reload them using:
  • -description +rec [Saved file name] OR -recdesc [Saved file name]
  • -description +del [Saved file name] OR -deldesc [Saved file name]
  • Deletes the saved file.
  • -description +list OR -listdesc
    • Shows saved descriptions by name.
  • -description +temp
  • Opens an in-game window with information to set up a proper description.
  • -description familiar Blah
  • changes your familiar's description to Blah.
  • -description animalcompanion Blah
  • Changes your animal companion's description to Blah.

More information on how to use these commands and what else you can do with them can be found in this article.


Use: -detectevil

Using this ability costs 10% of piety and 100 experience points.

All evil characters near the paladin make a Will save against a DC of 11 + paladin's wisdom modifier + 2 for each Divination spell focus the paladin has. If any evil characters fail, the paladin is informed that there is evil nearby.


Use: -disguise [Fake Name]

Use again to remove the disguise.

More information in the Disguise article.



  • -dispel
  • -dispel [spell]
  • -dispel [spell] [spell] [spell] [spell] .

Useful for getting rid of unwanted buffs.

Dispels any spell effects that players character have cast on themselves, including potion effects and summons. To dispel spells that you cast on another PC, send them -dispel as a tell. There is currently no way to automatically dispel wards that another PC has cast on you.

You can also dispel specific spells by determining the variable. For example, you can remove barkskin with -dispel bar. For specifics, type -dispel ?.

This command supports multiple arguments.


Use: -dissaportal. (Use a second time to turn it back on.)



  • -emote [emote]
  • -sit

The current list of emotes includes: Bow, Cast (uses last casted spell's VFX), Cheer, Conjure (uses last casted spell's VFX), Crouch, Dance, Kneel, Laugh, Leave, Lie, Fall, Read, Scoff, Sit, Threaten, Tremble, Wave, Worship. Password tool 1 1 1 – generate random passwords free.

The command can be use directly, instead of writing -emote [emote].

These emotes, in contrast of the ones from the radial menu, have a far longer duration.


Use: -emote_style [number]

Variants are 0 and 1.

  • Style '0' is Standard. Emotes and translation omissions are used with emotes and brackets.
    • IE Draconic: Wait there, brother [Tralarrae] *he gestures with a low hand*.
    • Is translated: Itheik Mobi, isthasy Tralarrae *he gestures with a low hand*.
  • Style '1' is Novel. Emotes are defined by the lack of special characters, and translation omissions are used with brackets.
    • IE Draconic: 'Wait there, brother [Tralarrae]' he gestures with a low hand.
    • Is translated: 'Itheik Mobi, Isthasy Tralarrae' he gestures with a low hand.


Use: -factions

Allows player to manage their faction memberships, create new factions, and send/review faction messages.

-faction is OOC communication device in game. By using it, you can read OOC messages left by others there. Only members of this -faction and DMs can see those messages. Those messages self-destruct in 1 month.

There is only 1 leader for each -faction, but leader can assign multiple recruiters, and multiple people that can use -faction to send messages. Anyone can create new faction by using the -faction command and following the dialogues with its console.

You can be member of multiple -factions.

Each member of -faction have a certain rank.

Members' Ranks:

  • Rank 0 means you can read messages.
  • Rank 1 means you can additionally send messages.
  • Rank 2 means you can additionally recruit new members.
  • Rank 3 is the faction owner, who can also promote members.

Faction owner have access to all functions of faction:

  • Change Member Rank
  • Add Member
  • Remove Member
  • Send Message
  • Remove Message
  • View All Messages
  • Disband Faction


Use: -fate [number].

The number of the surge can be found in the table of wild magic.More information can be found in the wild mage article.


Use: -fetch

NPC companions entails such things as familiars, summons and henchmen, dominated creatures, and EDK. There is a two minute cooldown for this command.

This command is intended to be used when a companion is stuck beyond a transition or gets bugged somehow. It is not for dropping surprise dragons onto other characters in PvP or having it skip over traps.


Use: -follow ['character name']

Works through transitions, but not server jump.

The target character must be in line of sight to start following.


Use: -forum_pwd ['your password']

This command creates a username on with the password you enter. Your username for the forum is the same as your NWN login name.


See the Subdual article to learn more.


Use: -guard ['character name']

Makes your character protect another character, as long as the guarded character is within melee range of the guard. When active, any enemies that choose to attack the guarded character will instead attack the guard. This has no effect on PvP, because it only affects the AI's behavior.
Note that -guard will not function if the character using it is already being guarded by another.
The Guard target can be changed by guarding a different character or cancelled by guarding your own.
Guard does not block Attacks of Opportunity (AoO). The guarded character should therefore refrain from doing any of the following:
  • Running in melee range of enemies (unless the AoO can be avoided with Tumble or Spring Attack)
  • Casting a spell in melee range of enemies (unless Defensive Casting mode is in use)
  • Firing a ranged weapon in melee range of enemies
  • Drinking a potion inside melee range of enemies


Use: -head headnumber

This command changes your head, to the head number given. Head numbers can be found on the Heads page. Use of this command is on a three hour countdown allowing you three hours to pick a new head. Microsoft office 2016 full version with crack.


Use: -height AA

  • Tall [TL]: The PC is set to be 4-5% taller than average.
  • Above Average [AA]: The PC is set to be 2-3% taller than average.
  • Average [AV]: The PC is set to be 99% and 101% of base height.
  • Below Average [BA]: The PC is set to be 2-3% shorter than average.
  • Short [SH]: The PC is set to be 4-5% shorter than average


A shortcut for -toggle helmet


Use: -hood [number]

Human and half-elf female characters can use -hood 1 to equip an alternative maskless hood. Most races have at least one hood available (elves, gnomes), though a few others (gnolls, male dwarves, kobolds) don't.


Use: -hostile [number]

The number will define how large is the area of PCs hostiled around your character in yards. If no distance is defined, then all the PCs in the area will be hostiled.


Use: -investigate

  • Can be used on bloodstains (where a character died) and fixture remains to obtain more information.
  • Can be used to interrogate NPCs.
  • Uses Lore and Search on tandem. A high score of both is required to retrieve all the information possible.
  • In the case of fixture remains, 1/3 of the crafter skill in the trade is added to the investigation score.
  • Tiers of information are races involved, kind of damage dealt as killing blow, character class - if any is applicable.
  • Bloodstains can be removed with Cleaning Implements.


Use: -language



  • -leave_party
  • -lparty



  • -loadoutfit [outfit_name] - to load an outfit
  • -saveoutfit [outfit_name] - to save an outfit.
  • -saveoutfit -r [outfit_name] to replace a saved outfit with the same name.
  • -saveoutfit -d [outfit_name] to delete a saved outfit.

Saving an outfit (using the command -saveoutfit) will record the current appearance of your armor/clothing, cloak, helmet, weapon and shield. Loading will replace the current look of the gear you have equipped at the moment with the saved configuration.

The saved outfit will be stored virtually, and it doesn't matter if you drop or change the appearance of the gear that you used originally. It will even work with different items as long as they belong to the same category (a heavy armor will be replaced with the saved configuration of any other heavy armor, but it will never take the appearance of a chainmail armor or clothing, and a longbow will not be replaced with the appearance of a shortbow).

This is a particularly useful tool for characters who specialize in the use of -disguise.

You can have up to 5 different saved configurations.

Loadoutfit also loads the PC description saved with the outfit.


NOTE: This command has been disabled due to misuse.

Use: -losexp [number]

If you lose at least exactly one level worth of experience in one use of this command, you may remove and relocate 2 crafting points to your liking at a crafting station. Losing 7,000XP and 8,000XP when you need to lose 15,000XP will not trigger this function. Regaining a level will set the points in stone again. The more levels lost, the more points you may relocate.

To be precise, you have to lose your previous level worth of experience. If you are level 25, you need to remove 24.000 points of experience to relocate 2 tradepoint; if you want 4 tradepoints, you need to drop 47.000 (24.000 + 23.000) worth of experience, and so on.

See also the Character remake article and update thread post regarding this command.


use: -makesafe

Using it will move PC to the nearest waypoint, which should in all cases be somewhere character can get out from. Note that Mithreas also updated all jail cells in the module to contain a waypoint, thus preventing people exploiting their way out of jail. Developers also log use of this feature and will smack abusers liberally with the ban stick.


Use: -manual [manual]

If you write -manual without defining any topic, then you will see the list of available topics.

Includes information about races, classes, specific mechanics, such as languages, and others.


Use: -mimic [stat] [output]

The stats and outputs that you can mimic are STRength, DEXterity, CONstitution, CHArisma, up to LOw, AVerage, HIgh, or STop.

You can only disguise one stat for every 7 ranks in bluff or perform. Characters will use their Spot or Search against the greater of either when examining to try and get through the mimicry. More in the Disguise article.


Use: -move_fixture [X-Number] [Y-Number] [Z-Number]

Ulysses 2 5. You must be within 4 yards of the fixture you desire to move. X and Y are defined by coordinates, where X is west-east and Y is north-south. Z is vertical. Use negative values to move them in the opposite direction!

Note that you cannot put fixtures where you are exactly standing, too close to a door, or move them into walls or out of bounds.


Use: -name [New Name]


Use: -notells

-notells opens a menu that allows players to control who they will receive Tells from. Optionally, a player can turn off Tells for everyone. If someone tries to send a player a Tell while they are blocked, they will receive a message telling them that the recipient has chosen not to receive Tells. If a player sends someone a Tell who cannot reply to them, then the player will get a warning reminding them of the block (but the Tell will go through).

DMs can always send you Tells, even if you have -notells on.


Use: -path
The qualifying class has to be level 2 or below. Your first class can only choose a path via the character creation menu. Possible paths:

  • Archery
  • Healer
  • Knight (this one can be taken on any level of PDK)
  • Shadowmage
  • Spellsword
  • Tribesman
  • True Flame
  • Wild Mage
  • Also, dragon disciples can choose wing color and damage type here, if done at level 2.

Eventually conversations outside the -path command for the above paths will be phased out.



  • -pickup_fixture
  • -pickup_fixture ['fixture_name']

This allows you to pick up fixtures without dialogue options. If you don't input any name when using this command, then your character will grab the nearest fixture. Useful if the fixture bugs out of reach.


Use: -playerlist

The information will be displayed in the combat log.


Use: -polymorph

Used by Totem Druids to transform into their animal form, PC Dragons to tranform into their dragon form, and werewolves to revert to their human form.

Bear in mind that -polymorph has a 90 seconds cooldown timer before it can be used again, normally.


Use: -portal_ord

This command brings up an interface allowing you to choose up to 10 favorite destinations that will always appear on the top of the list. If no favorites are chosen the standard list will be shown when portalling.


Use: -portrait [Portrait_file_name]

Getting the portrait file name

You can use Arelith's portrait page, or get it yourself from the files.

Getting it from the files can be a little tricky, but it's not with these simple steps:

Download the NWN explorer tool
Start the program from nwnexplorer
Open NWN Main Data
Go down and open Datatextures_02.bif
Go down and open Images, Portrait
Browse at your leisure!
Once you have found the portrait you want, take note down the name without the last part after the underscore
As example, if you want to use Po_penguin_h.tga, just take Po_penguin_

You can also use this command to change to a custom portrait. Those who don't have the custom portrait downloaded will see you with the generic hooded female or male portrait.


Use: -pray

Invokes intervention from your Deity. It costs piety, and experience if the character is in combat.


Use: -project_image ['character's name'] Then: [Message]

It is a general rule that your character has to know, at least the name of the character you are intending to send the image to.

You may write the name of the character completely, use the command in a tell, or write the start of the name, but be warned; if there are several characters which name starts with whatever you write, you may end up messaging the wrong character.

When you send the image to another character, it behave pretty much like a speedy: Appear, speak the message and vanish.

If you are on another server at the time, the message will come through, but will be a ball of light instead of your character's image.

If you don't input any target character - or message - then you will create a copy of yourself (or another PC, if targeted). The copy can fight, but it cannot cast spells, it will last 1 hour per caster level, and it will have a copy of all your gear. On top of that, you can speak through the copy using the -a command.


Use: -prefix_mode [number]

See: Chat Format


Use: -recomend [player name]

You may also send -recommend to the player intended for the same effect.

The recommendations are secret and may not be perceived by anybody but the DMs. The purpose of this tool is to mark players that may deserve a greater RPR to be easily reviewed by DMs.

If the player in question is at RPR 10, they will be automatically bumped up to 20.


Respite creates a 4.0m area of effect on the ground that lasts for 9 seconds. All creatures (including enemies) within the area of effect become immune to all forms of crowd control (except Timestop) and cannot be reduced to less than one hit point. On expiration of the zone, all allies within the area of effect are healed for 150 hit points.


Use: -reveal ['character name']

Neverwinter Nights Console Commands

Using this command will show your sneaking character to whoever you define, as if they had succeeded a spotting check. Mind that if you break line of sight you will disappear for them again.

Use sparingly!


Use: -revealparty

Use again to toggle off.

Useful for adventuring, as the rest of the party members will be able to see you even if you aren't in their line of sight, for better positioning of stealth characters when tackling enemies.

Note that the toggle will persist through resets.


More information in the Rogue article.



  • -rotate_fixture [grades]
  • -rotate_fixture [cardinal direction]

The fixture must be the closest within 4 yards to the character.

You can rotate it by grades, from 25 to 360, or by basic cardinal direction, that being north, east, south, west. Negative numbers can be used.


Use: -save

Useful when player have just gained something they don't want to risk losing. Characters will also be saved regularly as they travel around the world, and will be saved automatically on logout or when the server resets (though not if the server crashes). Character are not saved when they stay for extended time in the same area and don't transition.

This command saves both your character file (xp/inventory) and your location. Use it whenever you withdraw gold from the bank or take valuable items out of a chest!


Use: -saveoutfit [outfit_name]

Read -loadoutfit above for more information!


Use: -scry ['character name']

Writing the name of the character (or sending -scry in a tell to the target character) will allow you to scry - that is to say, to magically divine and spy on the character - for a brief time. The command has a cost of 5 spell components.

Characters with Epic Spell Focus in Divination can scry on other characters. Scrying works as a cutscene, showing the caster the target's current surroundings. (True Seeing won't show the scrier. Note that using any OOC methods to identify a scrier is considered metagaming.)

It is possible to protect yourself against scrying; for details you will have to find out in game! Epic Diviners can also sense when a scry is done upon them.

Scrying works even if a character is exiled from a settlement.

'-scry beats -disguise - if you're being scried on, the scrier knows who you are at that point in time.
  • they can't automatically recognize you on a different occasion
  • being able to use -scry doesn't mean you automatically see through disguises when you're not scrying
  • you can't automatically see through the disguises of anyone else you happen to see while scrying, only the person who you're actively scrying on.' Mithreas
  • It is a rule that your character must know the name of the character you are intending to scry. Players may mutually agree to waive it, such as a potential '-scry victim' giving permission to use their hair/blood/so on to -scry them without their name, but without this mutual agreement you must have the name.

The XP penalty for having a higher level character around will fire when the scrying is active, as the game counts the scrier as being present. This functions in the same way as having a high-level character in stealth nearby.

Please read Scrying Bugs for bug details.


Use: -soundset [voiceset ID number]

The ID number you can get in the Soundset article.

Since you can't hear the voiceset straight from the file, it is advised to check it beforehand in the game in the process of creating a new character. If you wish to see/hear all the available options in NWN, you can unlock the files downloading the Portrait and Soundset Unlocker from the Neverwinter Vault and going through the process of creating a new character.



  • -spellc
  • -spellc -d
  • -spellc toggle

Without the parameter -d, it will check any words that you write individually.
With the parameter -d, it will check your current description.
You may write -spellc without any word or parameter after it has found a mistake, and it will offer possible corrections based on its dictionary.
The parameter toggle will turn automatic spellchecking of descriptions on or off.



  • -stream
  • -stream [stream]

The former option opens a chat window with your available streams options. The latter may be used to directly select the stream without the chat prompt. The current options are: -ddef (default dragon), -sil (silver dragon), -pri (prismatic dragon), -red (red dragon), -dra (dracolich), -gol (golden dragon), -edef (default elemental), -air (air elemental), -ear- (earh elemental), -fir (fire elemental), -wat (water elemental), -ooz (ooze), -odef (default outsider), -cel (celestial), -sla (slaadi), -dev (devil), -yug (yugoloth), -dem (demon), -mec (mechanus), -mum (mummy), -vamp (vampire),

For more information, read the Summoning Changes article.


Use: -subdualUsing it again to disable. A floaty text will inform you of your current state whenever you switch.

A full explanation can be found here.


Use: -teleport

Works identically as a portal lens. In contrast to other console command spells, -teleport does not cost piety or spell components.
Requires Greater Transmutation Focus and being at least level 21.

-teleport create

Use: -teleport create

Works identically as any other one-way source portal, except that this one has a 5 minutes duration.



  • -time [Date] [Hour] [Timezone] TO [Timezone]
  • -time 8 EST (converts 8 EST to your default timezone, 24-hour clock)
  • -time 4 PM GMT-7 TO GMT +10
  • -time 23:00 PST TO GMT
  • -time 3/4 8 AM EST (need to set a default timezone)
  • -time set [Timezone]
    • Sets default timezone.

Currently supports: EST, CST, MST, PST, GMT, BST, CET.
If no date is entered, it will use the current day's date.



Higher ranger/racial level increases the information gathered.

See also: Balance


This will overwrite any existing character with the same name.


Use: -twohand

When a character employs a normal-sized weapon and has nothing in the left hand, some weapons will be automatically held in two hands. Two-handing a weapon will grant half of the STR modifier as extra damage.

Large races (even during polymorph) may employ -twohand with large weapons to gain +2 AB and the STR bonus damage. The Bastard Sword can be -twohand'ed by all races that would normally hold it in one hand, but does not receive the +2 AB. The Dwarven Waraxe can only be -twohand'ed by the dwarven races, but they don't receive the +2 AB either. Spears are Medium weapons in Arelith, and may be -twohand'ed similarly as above.


Use: -unrelent

Using it again to disable. A floaty text will inform you of your current state whenever you switch. For more information, read subdual.


Use: -updates



  • -usefeat knockdown
  • -usefeat calledshot
  • -knockdown

Usefeat can be used with nearly all combat feats. The feat to be used may be written directly as a shortened version.
This command is best employed when there are too many enemies (and allies!) clustered together and you want to use a specific ability on your current target without fear of missing.



Neverwinter Nights Console Commands Windows 10

  • -naturalwalk
  • -alwayswalk

-naturalwalk means that whenever you activate Detection or Stealth, your character will move at normal walking speed, negating all class and magic speed bonus.

-alwayswalk means that the character will move at their normal walking speed (with all usual speed bonus) without activating either Detection or Stealth. Activating one of either will not slow the character further. Both systems may be combined and toggled as desired.


Use: -ward

Upon triggering the sigil by entering its area, it forces a will save in a small area at DC of a 9th-level spell plus abjuration foci and corresponding ability modifier. A failed save paralyzes the targets for one round. Friendly entities don't trigger the sigil upon walking on it. The duration of the sigil is considerably long (Hours/Level?)

-ward teleport

Use: -ward teleport

-ward teleport closes off the current area when it comes to teleportation. No one can -teleport, use a planar portal, or use a portal lens to enter or leave the area, and no one can -yoink anyone to or from the area until the spell fades.

Note that -ward teleport uses a space, instead of an underscore.

-ward teleport is NOT to be used to trap people using -scry in an area. This is an exploit and will be punished. Please read the common bugs section for the exact quote and details.



  • -warlock [energy]
  • -warlock [energy] glow
  • -warlock -r

Note that you need to have the energy type unlocked before you can use it. Some examples of energy you can use are magic, cold, positive, electric.

Adding the parameter -glow will activate the warlock VFX according to the selected effect. -r will disable it. This saves the need to blast something and dispel to activate or deactivate the effects.

Using -warlock ? will allow you to see the full list in-game.


Use: -yoink ['character name']

When attempting to yoink a character, a summoning animation will trigger, and the target character will receive a prompt informing them that somebody is trying to yoink them, which they may accept or refuse.

You may write the name of the character completely, use the command in a tell, or write the start of the name, but be warned; if there are several characters which name starts with whatever you write, you may end up Yoinking the wrong character.

Mithreas: 'Areas where you can't use portal lenses already prevent conjurers from yoinking people away - this includes Death.'

-yoink can be laggy and not work right away when used, also -yoink does not activate on target character if the target character is in use by another script, such as when sitting on a chair or crafting.

There is also a known bug where if the person refuses the -yoink by simply hitting the escape key rather than selecting 'No', then the caster will be unable to use that spell until a reset. Please always use the menu option out of courtesy.

Retrieved from ''

Console Commands

Hit the tilde key ~ to access the console. Note that Commands are case sensitive.


DebugMode 1 – Enables Cheats

ModCHA # – Add specific number to Charisma

ModCON # – Add specific number to Constitution

Handbrake for mac 10.6 8. ModDEX # – Add specific number to Dexterity

ModINT # – Add specific number to Intelligence

ModSTR # – Add specific number to Strength

ModWIS # – Add specific number to Wisdom

dm_allspells 1 – Allows the use of every spell in the game. No class restrictions.

dm_modifyage # – Change your character's age.

SetAppearance (001-298) – Change your character's appearance

dm_modifysavefortitude # – Change your fortitude saving throw.

dm_modifysavereflex # – Change your reflex saving throw.

dm_modifysavewill # – Change your will saving throw.

DebugMode 0 – Disable cheats

dm_gettime – Display current game time

fps – Display your frames per second.

GiveXP # – Give a set amount of XP.

dm_givegold # – Gives you Gold

dm_levelup – Gives you just enough XP to gain one level.

dm_god – God mode

dm_heal – Heal all damage done to your main character.

hidepartynames – Hide your party's names on the sidebar

dm_cowsfromhell – Makes angry cows appear to kill your enemies.

dm_modifyattackbase # – Modify your base to-hit bonus.

dm_modifyspellresistence – Modify your spell resistence.

dm_givelevel # – Raises your level

dm_settime – Set current game time

dm_setrace – Set your character's race.

SetCHA # – Sets Charisma (9-50)

SetCON # – Sets Constitution (9-50)

SetDEX # – Sets Dexterity (9-50)

SetINT # – Sets Intelligence (9-50)

SetSTR # – Sets Strength (9-50)

SetWIS # – Sets Wisdom (9-50)

showpartynames – Show your party's names on the sidebar

Neverwinter Nights Console Commands

dm_mylittlepony – Speed Cheat

dm_allspells 0 – Turns off the above code.

Neverwinter Nights Cheats

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