Forbidden Nlp Patterns Pdf

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  1. Dark Nlp Forbidden Patterns Pdf
  2. Nlp Language Patterns

Jan 17, 2018. Forbidden Patterns 2 – All contents copyright 2011 – Jack Ellis Heath Ledger The idea for this pattern came from an interview with the actress Michelle Williams on an episode of 'Nightline.' After sitting down for a 3-hour interview with Nightline, Williams came out in the press and said she was 'horrified' at the. Mind Control Language Patterns - Dantalion Jones - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. (Mind Control 101 and The Forbidden Book ofGetting What You. The popularity of covert language patterns evolved from NLP practitioners using them for seduction.

The October Man Sequence gained its notoriety when it was first mentioned in Neil Strauss's bestseller The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists.

This was the beginning of the method's cult status with members of the art of seduction community.

Forbidden Nlp Patterns Pdf

So what makes it such a cult hit (and why has it caused such controversy?)

It's simply this…

Some users have claimed that the technique has enabled them to get a woman to go to bed with them within 15 minutes of starting to use it.

Sounds amazing, right?

Naturally, there's probably going to be a little hyperbole there, but this technique's overall effectiveness is never disputed, ever.

In fact, for all men who are serious in their wish to gain the advantage in the dating game, the October Man gives you the 'edge' you're looking for…

And think about it, even if this technique is still only 20% or 30% as powerful as people claim, that still makes it pretty damn powerful, doesn't it?

Table of Contents

  • 7 Same Results, But An Easier Way

What Is The October Man Sequence?

Let's look in more detail at how this technique came about…

The method is the invention of two underground seduction veterans… legends in the community who remain anonymous till this day.

These guys first got a taste of the limelight when they were mentioned in the book by Neil Strauss (he gave them two different pseudonyms – IN10SE and something else).

And yet the book made no mention whatsoever as to the originof this powerful technique.

Don't worry, though – because the hard work's all been done for you by yours truly…

You are now about to find out the true secrets of the October Man routine, all wrapped up and ready for you to open. You're welcome! 🙂


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Fractionation: The Fundamental Root Of The October Man Sequence

Here's what October Man is really all about…

This Sequence was actually built on a little-known hypnosis technique known as Fractionation.

Stage hypnotists and hypnotherapists have used Fractionation to make their audience and clients quickly fall into a trance.

Here's how Fractionation works…

The idea is to make the subject go in and then back out of a mental state repeatedly and quickly (more detail on what I mean by this). This will make her fall ever deeper into the trance every time this is done.

Here's where it gets really interesting. 🙂

We have found out that Fractionation works similarly when we're talking about making a woman fall head over heels in love.

In other words, by deliberately and carefully making someone fall in and then out of love, you get women to become emotionally 'addicted' to being with you.

This remarkable discovery is almost certainly the biggest that's ever been made in the underground seduction movement.

Now, for the very first time, any guy has the ability to totally transform into a complete stud in the eyes of any woman, simply by mastery of this one technique.

Isn't that the most amazing thing you've heard?

In a nutshell, here's how Fractionation works –

  1. First, you make the woman feel really happy (she goes into a 'happy state'). You do this either by telling some happy tale or make her remember a really happy experience.
  2. Then, after that, you make the woman feel sad (move her to her 'sad state') through use of some sad stories or help her to remember some sad experience.
  3. Repeat!

(Remember previously when I talked about going into and out of a state repeatedly? This is what I was referring to).

Now the complete Fractionation sequence involves, of course, rather more than I've described here, and I'm afraid it's too involved to get into in detail here.

Fortunately, though, there is a completely free-of-charge 'Cheat Sheet' that's available for download. (UPDATE: we have taken the Cheat Sheet down for updating – please check back later.)

I highly recommend it, and I urge you to get it now as it'll 'shortcut' the way you can completely understand this technique.

With the Cheat Sheet, you won't need to wade through a shit-ton of technical research like other schmucks had to. 🙂

October Man Sequence 2.0

October Man was the very first real attempt to adapt the original system of Fractionation so it could be used for attracting women.

Now let's bring things up to date… Smultron 12 0 8 fraction.

Some guys in the seduction underground have gone on to develop their own versions of Fractionation, often for use in very specific circumstances.

For example, our very own Dark Rake Method (as well as proprietary Shogun Sequences) is also built upon Fractionation as the foundation.

Similarly, you both build and then deepen rapport utilizing a broad range of powerful psychological triggers.

Dark Nlp Forbidden Patterns Pdf

(This Dark Rake system has actually now been superseded by the new flagship in our fleet – the Shogun Method which gets a third-party review here).

And by the way, if you've ever heard anyone talk about using the 'loophole' in women's psychology it's a good chance that these tactics are ones that are based on the Fractionation technique.

These systems and methods involve advanced industrial-strength techniques in Mind Control that are designed to do just one thing:

To hack a woman's mind, hit those 'attraction triggers', and make her fall head over heels in love very quickly – whether she wants to or not.

Amazing, right?

Black Rose Sequence

Bringing us bang up to date, the so-called Black Rose technique has been hitting the headlines, claiming it has even more power than October Man…

However, there is one fundamental difference between them. Black Rose and October Man differ because…

  • October Man Sequence is all about attracting and 'seducing' women.
  • Black Rose Sequence is about emotionally enslaving women.


Now this brings us to the difference between 'Pickup Artist' tricks and legitimate Mind Control and 'Dark Triad Seduction' systems like the Shogun Method…

Most of the 'Pickup Artist' gimmicks or other 'seduction' techniques usually only work over the short-term. Or at best, the 'pickup' or approach stage.

Now that's totally fine if you're just looking for a quick way to steal a quick kiss, or to get a phone number…

…however, if you need something longer lasting, something that's much deeper (and if you want to be dominant over women), Black Rose is what you're looking for.

Nlp Language Patterns

Is The October Man Sequence Evil?

It's a damn good question… and the jury's still out!

Let's differentiate between morally wrong and harmful. Is October Man Sequence morally upright? Well, that's probably questionable. But what is never disputed is that October Man Sequence is absolutely able to psychologically HARM women.

In fact in some cases, using October Man Sequence (or any kind of seduction method grounded on Fractionation like the Black Rose Sequence) in order to attract a woman is complete overkill. It's like 'bringing nukes to the gunfight'.

It is simply unnecessary, as well as having the potential to harm everyone along the way. (Yes, including you.) Of course, if you're already inhibiting dark triad tendencies, then you may not care about this at all. 🙂

Also, let's be honest, the October Man Sequence gives the guy using is a pretty unfair advantage.

A master practitioner of the October Man Sequence is easily able to control women's feelings (therefore, by extension, their emotional states). And this means the power of complete control, which can make her extremely vulnerable. (And yes, this also works with female sociopaths, or even narcissists – if you're married to one!)

Now answer me this question:-

Imagine you were able to make women simply bend to you and your every wish. Would something like that make life a HELL OF A LOT better?

READ ALSO: Psychological Manipulation Techniques You Wish You Knew…

October Man (Or Fractionation) Isn't For Everyone

Some seduction community veterans argue that these techniques should be fully hidden from the rest of the world.

If you ask them why they'll say it's because there are potentially very harmful consequences.

They'll say that giving anyone easy access to the October Man Sequence (or even the Shogun Method) is akin to allowing kids run around the place with scissors. Things ain't gonna end well!

However, the other side of the coin is that for those guys who are interested in extreme influence or the deeper, darker side of human psychology (or who are just curious), knowing October Man is going to quickly bring your skills up a fair few notches.

So, here's the name of the game:

If you're female, and you've got experience of 'speed attraction' (in other words, you develop a bit of an infatuation with a man very quickly, say within an hour of first meeting), chances are you've been put under a spell by an expert in the October Man Sequence or Shogun Method techniques.

If you're a guy, congratulations – you've stumbled across what's probably the most potent seduction system ever.

Master this technique and you will achieve the very highest level of proficiency both attracting and dating the most attractive women.

That's pretty damn cool, isn't it?

Same Results, But An Easier Way

There is a problem with using the full October Man, and that it's this…

The October Man Sequence can be rather tricky to master if you lack a thorough background in principles of hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).

It is NOT a silver bullet solution!

Here's the deal…

The truth is that t's not really important to know WHYit works.

To use an analogy: a fighter pilot doesn't have to understand either HOW or WHY his jet engine works. He just needs to be a master at flying his jet to become an ace.

Makes sense, right?

For you, all you have to do is to master the USE of this technique to score victories in love and dating. Leave the theory and mechanics behind WHY the technique works to psychologists and university professors.

OK, so here's what it all boils down to.

If you'd like to dig deeper into the use of Mind Control to seduce and enslave women emotionally, then check out this online Masterclass:

Click Here For The Mind Control Masterclass

(Please wait for it to load… due to heavy traffic it can slow down at various times)

This is a Masterclass during which you'll learn how you can use Fractionation in order to quickly seduce anywoman, exactly like what the pro's do. Click on that link and follow the instructions.

See you at the Masterclass! Money cheat sims 4.

I got a copy of the Forbidden Patterns E-book by Jack Ellis. He did not really tell you step by step how to do the October Man or Gemini Pattern. What the hell is it, and why is it forbidden? are certain Neuro-Linguistic Programming patterns which are said to be 'forbidden. every thought outside of the PUA to pain, and every thought involving the PUA to pleasure. Alex Domnikov – Original Forbidden Patterns ( Kb eBook) To get new PUA materials to you mailbox every week please subscribe to our mailing list, using.

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Enter your email address below and get access to 10 videos instantly:. Wed Oct 26, 1: Thu Oct 27, 1: And thus is the dark side of pick-up: The people who don't give a fuck about another's well-being. It's amazing how some people don't see psychology as a dangerous 'playground'. Bottle up your true feelings. What woman wants that? Fri Oct 28, 6: This just made me curious as to what the forbidden patterns were.

I lost all interest after figuring out it involved abusive relationships and other fucked up stuff, but why even mention this stuff. Your post made me more curious about what you are talking about than dissuade me about using forbidden patterns. The way you say it makes it sound like an extreme neg to a newbie. Just sharing the view point of an NLP noob. Sat Oct 29, 3: Indeed,saying how dangerous and how powerful it patterbs would actually tease newbies.

Remember,this people are desperate for results. Even fofbidden it meant screwing something up. Sun Oct 30, 7: Thu Nov 03, 7: What i dont understand is why these patterns become to girls obsessed or needy, or that they make girls leave to everyone for you. Sat Nov 05, 8: Instead of going all oatterns hush' regarding the Forbidden Games and avoid talking about them, we should rather emphasize the issues that are being dealt with when delving into that dark part of the seduction world. As the above posters have alluded to, the mere title ‘Forbidden Games' and the powerful nature of the patterns that consist, will more than entice the desperate newbie.

The moment I read that there were Forbidden techniques, guess what happened, it peaked my interest and I wanted to learn about it. Guess what happened once I understood the essence of the patterns, I rejoiced as I realised that I may have just fallen upon a gold mine. It was only much after that I realised that there were serious problems that accompanied its usage. Anyone who is interested in seduction will at one point or another fall upon the October Man Sequence, and other methods of such nature.

Instead of trying to avoid discussing them, we should rather try to drum down the problems they create to any daring wannabe PUA. Mon Nov 07, 9: Of oua this is interesting.

As a new guy, I am domineering in the bed room.

I like to be rough and through a women around. Some girls really like it.

Tag: forbidden pattern nlp

So it is good. The point is to be in control of a situation. If there is someway to always feel in control of a situation then that would be for me. I like to steer the car in a relationship.

Alex Domnikov – Original Forbidden Patterns (62.0 Kb eBook)

I also require that the women I am with set a tasteful emotional tone. All in a good stroking of the ego. My inner child smiles. Thu Jan 12, All the things you have said above are interesting and valuable for me. This is a really dark side of pick-up. That is always difficult to have a definite skills in relatioships. We must learn to be lost by people, be loved, be mocked and be promoted. This is a entire art of human relationship.

It's difficult to dispute with each other about this topic, because everybody will do like he wants despite your comments Sat Jan 14, 1: Mon Jan 16, Tue Jan 17, 2: Forbidden patterns are just another marketing scheme.

The October Man Approach (A.K.A. the Forbidden Technique)?

Anybody who want should be aloud see them, they'll learn a lesson in what doesn't work. Tue Jan 17, 8: Wed Jan 18, 4: Forbidden Patterns work, but most people don't know how to work them, and think of them as some sort of magic encantation, which is how they're marketed, but that's not the case. And, like God saying to Adam and Eve don't eat the fruit from the tree, the moderators are just making the idea more interesting.

We all know about getting a foot in the door, this scientifically proven psychological technique, of getting people to do you small favors, which will eventually lead them to doing bigger favors. Ask a girl to move from the bar to the booth, she follows along, ask her to wait and hold something for you while you run to the bathroom, or to say hello to someone, you come back, and she's still there, and now more loyal to you than ever, ask if she wants to get up and go outside for some fresh air, she follows, lean forward and kiss her and suggest she come home with you.

That is how the foot in the door technique works, quickly and effectively. But, few guys can seem to do it well, and yet, it's just a series of small yeses until you ask for the bigger yes. This is so powerful a technique, it's what cult leaders do to get followers, it's what Paul Bernardo the serial killer did to get Karla to help him.

That's not a forbidden pattern, it's not NLP at all. All NLP does is use conditioning, and language patterns to trigger in people emotional responses, that's what those forbidden patterns do, but for someone to be successful with them, it would both need a callousness to the other person, and a high skill set to control her emotions. Most people would just flame out and, yes come to the conclusion that their bull.

And that's what's so good about them. Wed Jan 18, 6: Compliance, like the Forbidden Patterns, are incredibly effective, if done correctly. When I read the paragraph I wrote, I myself got lost in it, and it was a screw up in writing it. I realized it after I posted it. The way it sounded in my head didn't come out on paper. But yeah, you hit the nail on the head Pinocchio, there are so many easier ways to get women, why bother?

Enter your email address below and get access to 10 videos instantly: Can we be honest? We want your email address. Let me send you the best seduction techniques ever devised No registered users and 1 guest. Previous topic Next topic. Is anyone able to explain further or give me information around these?

If chicks didnt have that behavior, these patterns wouldn't work at all. Maybe when I said the 'doesn't work', I should have said they are 'ineffective'. I don't know why you have that big paragraph on compliance.

I'm pya of it's effect, but it's not really that relevant here.

It's involved in using the Octoberman but the two aren't synonymous. First of all, I'm a big fan of conversational hypnosis, and hypnosis in general. For this reason, it has to be kept conversational, in the moment, and unscripted.

Effective hypnosis to me is is elegant hypnosis, forbldden using patterns that aren't relevant to the moment is boring. The amount of work required to get a girl invested enough to pull off the Octoberman is more than it takes to fuck her.

It's like circumnavigating the globe to get to your destination. In reality, if you can't get a girl to wanna hang out with you and fuck you, you're not gonna have much luck with any forbidden patterns.

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